Areas of Expertise
This skill lies at the heart of publishing and transforms the author’s ideas into a creditable publication. My editorial experience will guarantee that your book, article or other document meets the specific requirments of house style in terms of content, writing format, length, etc. Effective editing improves and enhances the author’s skills and provides a document that is ready for copy-editing.
legal and academic books
If you are a publisher of legal or academic books I can guarantee that your manuscript is free from errors and consistent with house style. Be confident that the document will be checked for consistent references throughout.
referencing and bibliographies
Academic books, reports, journal articles and other formal documents generally contain references, which provide information about previously published work that has been used as a source for the theory or claims referred to in the text. References must be included in a work intended for publication if a direct quote or other third-party material has been taken from another source and there are important copyright issues in this area. I can provide your manuscript with an efficient, consistent reference format that is free from error throughout as well as ensuring that the details included in the bibliography are accurate.
As part of this process I will read through the manuscript in exhaustive detail and examine all aspects of the text and make whatever changes are necessary so as to comply with the author’s guidelines. During this process some sections may be deleted or rewritten. I will also check for factual accuracy as well as looking out for any legal issues such as copyright or libel.
journal articles and papers
Academic articles and papers have to be written within strict limits as to word length and must fully comply with the journal’s house style. My copy editing and proof reading skills will ensure that your document meets such requirements in terms of length, freedom from errors, consistency and compliance with house style in addition to possessing an accurate and effective index.
official documents
Academic and cultural institutions, government departments and agencies publish a range of documents. These can include course materials, conference proceedings, reports, booklets, exhibition labels, and catalogues. It is essential for such documents to be presented to the highest standards. I will ensure that the written text is free from errors and correctly pitched to the intended audience. The corrected document will be consistent throughout and corrected so a to create an impression of professional quality .
This involves double-checking all changes that have been made to the manuscript. My proofreading skills will ensure that the document is consistent with the house style agreed upon and that all errors have been corrected to guarantee that your publication meets the highest standards.
academic dissertations
The pressure involved in writing an academic dissertation can be greatly eased by availing of professional copy editing and proofreading services. My academic background and editing skills will ensure that your dissertation is grammatically correct, coherent and concise. To guarantee the textual quality of your dissertation it is worth having a second pair of eyes review the manuscript. In this manner improvements can be made to academic tone, vocabulary, presentation and structure, consistency of reference and bibliography.
I am in a position to offer translation from Spanish into English. My area of expertise is legal translation and academic articles. Clients include major law firms in Madrid and Spanish universities. I have successfully translated the entire law on practice and procedure for Adarve Abogados Madrid.